Perkins Land Trades

Anticipated Lease Parcels to be Auctioned on Dec. 5

Plat # Sec-Twp-Rge Lease # Exp. Yr. Acres Description
11 36-10-36W 112776 24 647.960 ALL
14 36-12-36W 112774 24 320.000 W2
14 36-12-36W 112775 24 320.000 E2
18 36-10-37W 112188 24 640.310 ALL
21 36-12-37W 112310 24 640.000 ALL
27 36-11-38W 112189 24 640.320 ALL
28 36-12-38W 112311 24 640.000 ALL
30 36-09-39W 112190 24 640.000 ALL
38 16-10-40W 113128 24 640.000 ALL
42 36-12-40W 111209 24 640.000 ALL
45 16-10-41W 113106 24 640.000 ALL
49 36-12-41W 112636 24 320.000 S2
49 36-12-41W 112767 24 320.000 N2